Municipal Composting System - Engineered Compost Systems

Blog ECS Staff 01/21/2025

A successful municipal composting system—that is, a method in which various types of waste from a community or geographic area are processed into compost—is no simple undertaking. To process waste on such a large scale, be it food waste, biosolids, or other waste (that is, feedstock type), all while adhering to various regulations surrounding odors, groundwater contamination, and other environmental impacts requires very specialized knowledge and equipment.

How to Develop a Municipal Composting System

Before selecting a composting system, there are several critical factors to consider:

Once the above design criteria have been established, you’ll be in a better position to select which type of industrial composting system best suits your needs—something you’d ideally work with an expert on to ensure the most viable, economical, and environmentally successful outcome.

The Biggest Challenges with Municipal Composting Systems

The following are some of the greatest challenges associated with operating a municipal composting system, and ECS has successfully addressed each of these challenges with every project they have supported over the years. A few examples:

Available Municipal Composting Systems Through ECS

Since 1999, ECS scientists and engineers have helped with the design, development, and maintenance of more than 80 municipal composting systems around the world. These installations include an assortment of composting system solutions and industrial composting technology:

  • Covered Aerated Static Pile Composting
    • Uses a biolayer cover for insulation
    • Above-grade aeration
    • Below-grade aeration
    • Positive, negative, reversing, recirculating airflow
    • Keeps contaminants large and more easily screened
  • Aerated Turned Pile Composting
    • Workes best with positive aeration
    • Can help increase fines yeild
    • Improves pile homogeneity
    • Facilitates moisture addition
  • In-Vessel Composting
    • Captures all air emissions
    • Does not require operator time to apply cover
    • Easiest contact+storm water management
    • Able to recirculate air for rapid heat up

Aerial view of Napa composting facility
Biolayer Covered Aerated Static Pile Composting
Aerated Turned Pile composting
Compost vessel doors
In-Vessel Composting