ECS Composting

Successful Composting through Operational and Technical Expertise, Proven Products, and a Commitment to Lifetime Support

Get Started with ECS Today


Facilities with ECS equipment


Technical service contracts


TPY composting capacity installed

Organizations we’ve worked with:

Organizations we support:

Case Studies

Green Blenz – Stanwood, WA

Reversing aeration system with biofilter with composts food and yard waste from Seattle.



How to Approach Large-scale Composting

Collectively, Engineered Compost Systems scientists and engineers have more than 120 years of experience successfully supporting large-scale composting systems.

How to Approach Large-scale Composting


Aerated Static Pile (ASP)

You can rely on ECS ASP technology to be an efficient tool to control odors and make great compost.

More on ASP composting

Case Studies

Napa – Northern Waste and Recycling Services

ECS provided a positively aerated compost system to help process green waste and food waste in Napa, CA.

Case Study on Napa Composting

White Paper

High Nitrogren Feedstocks

Best management practices for composting biosolids, food waste, digestate, and other high nitrogen feedstocks.

ECS White Paper: BMPs for High Nitrogen Feedstocks

Quote Icon

ECS has been tremendous to work with throughout the process, including original conceptualization and design, construction, and now commissioning. They understood our particular needs and worked with us, our engineer, and our contractor to design and construct a system that we believe will meet, if not exceed, expectations. Douglas Ross CEO, Freestate Farms