Capacity (tpy)
New surface and ground water regulations and a desire for more process and odor control led Green Blenz (Lenz Enterprises) to seek upgrades to their existing static pile composting facility. Their feedstocks include: yard waste, food waste and herbivore manures. Their facility design requirements included:
In 2021, Lenz Enterprises required increasing capacity with a high flow, negatively aerated expansion. ECS provided the Phase 2 equipment, which was installed in early 2022.
ECS worked with this client’s consulting engineer to develop a detailed facility design for construction of an aerated static pile in a bunker wall configuration, and with a reversing aeration (positive and negative) to ensure even temperature distribution in the biomass. This is critically important for reliably achieving pathogen killing temperatures in potentially pathogenic feedstocks.
The bunker wall configuration dramatically reduces the facility footprint and the ECS low-friction trench below grade aeration provides even air distribution, and collects leachate/condensate. The leachate is directed to a sump located before the aeration fans and is then pumped into a holding tank for reuse into newly formed composting zones.
Feedstocks are tipped inside a tipping and mixing building that is vented to a biofilter. The preprocessing includes hand picking for contaminants and grinding incoming feedstocks. The mixed raw compost is conveyed to an open bay where front end-loaders efficiently fill the composting bunkers. A top-coat of clean compost is added for insulation to each primary zone, temperature probes are placed and the automated aeration control and monitoring system is initiated. Markets include bulk compost and topsoil sales.
“Roughly 10 years ago we started working with ECS to assist us with the design and build of our compost facility. Today, we now have over eight years of proof positive results from their system, its design and [its] controls. ECS has been an excellent partner in providing reliable service, honesty and a tried and true product. Thanks ECS!” Jason Lenz Vice President Lenz Enterprises/GreenBlenz Stanwood, WA
We want to learn how to support your composting goals!
4220 24th Avenue West
Seattle, Washington 98199
Tel: (206) 634-2625
Fax: (206) 634-1309