Capacity (TPY)
Athens Services, in Victorville, CA collects waste throughout Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties. California’s Senate Bill 1383, passed in 2016, was set forth to reduce the statewide emissions of short-lived climate pollutants, particularly targeting methane emissions resulting from decomposition of organic waste in landfills. By 2025, the state intends to have reduced organic waste disposal by 75%. Athens Services needed to upgrade their windrow facility to meet the higher throughput demands of organic waste while also staying in compliance with Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District, as well as surface water regulations.
ECS worked with Athens to develop an aerated static pile (ASP) composting system that can handle the increase of diverted food and green waste. The project utilizes below-grade sparger floors to distribute positive airflow, complemented with high reliability and low lifetime operating costs.
The ECS CompTrollerTM manages individual zone air flows throughout the system, regulating temperatures and optimizing the conditions for composting. This engineered solution provides timely and efficient composting while minimizing odors. The compost operation can create compost blends suitable for industrial, agricultural, municipal, residential, or commercial use. This compost is regularly given back to the community through composting events and giveaways; it also provides a beneficial soil amendment.
Check out Biocycle’s Article featuring this project.
I love my ECS system! Robert Phillips Director of Organics Sales, Athens Services
We want to learn how to support your composting goals!
4220 24th Avenue West
Seattle, Washington 98199
Tel: (206) 634-2625
Fax: (206) 634-1309