Odor and emissions are among the top challenges faced by large-scale compost facilities. While they are distinct—odor being a sensory issue and emissions referring to airborne gases—these two factors are closely tied, with odors typically increasing as emissions rise. Both are directly influenced by composting process conditions and system design. At ECS, we specialize in helping clients quantify expected odors and emissions, as well as troubleshoot and resolve issues as they arise, ensuring your operation remains efficient and compliant.
ECS can provide odor analysis and dispersion modeling to quantitatively predict the odor impact from operations.
Odor Units (OU) or Dilutions to Threshold (DT) refer to the concentration of an odor where a panel of professional sniffers can detect the presence of an odor (1 OU). Labs such as St. Croix Senses provide this measuring service.
At ECS, we use our odor library and other data along with our understanding of the process conditions to calculate total odor generation. The odor strength (OU) and the mass flow rate of airflow determine the total odor flux for a site. Tools such as biofiltration can reduce how much odor permeates from the site.
Additionally, we can use the odor flux to create an iso-countour odor dispersion model. This modeling incorporates local weather and topography to quantify odor transmission to nearby receptors (human noses). This shows the odor concentration gradient, and indicates at what conditions neighbors are likely to detect odor.
For example, a common approach models the 98% condition – meaning 98% of the year, conditions will not be worse than this condition. Then we identify if any receptors are likely to experience an odor concentration that exceeds a specified theshold such as 4 OU.
Odors, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and ammonia are air emissions that require in-depth technical understanding and expert design in order to minimize their impacts and comply with regulations. Engineered Compost Systems has a unique set of scientific skills, actual air emissions data, and sampling and analysis tools to allow operators to comprehensively manage these emissions. Our systems have been recognized for their superior odor control. We quantify facility emissions by conducting emission sampling at the facility’s current process, or from a pilot facility. If your facility is only in the planning phase, we have an extensive database to provide a most likely range of emissions.
We want to learn more about your project goals. Call or email us to get started.