Compost Industry Trainings

Compost industry training events:

In addition to these industry trainings, ECS offers both on-site and remote training to meet your specific needs and timelines. Contact us if we can help: [email protected].

Compost Research and Education Foundation (CREF)

The CREF Certified Operatoions Training Course (COTC) is a great way to learn from nationally recognized compost instructors in a hands on application. These trainings are typically a 5 day course to provide comprehensive knowledge on running an optimizing a compost facility.

Upcoming Events:

Past Events:

  • 2023-12-05 – The role of Compost and Stormwater Media, Andy Erickson PhD, webinar event link
  • 2023-07-31 – CREF hosts COTC facility tour Blackwood, NJ.
  • 2023-03 CREF Webinar – Introduction to Compost Odor Management: Process and Public Relations with Tim O’Neill, President ECS, and Ginny Black, CREF Trustee Chair
cref logo

Washington Organics and Recycling Council (WORC)

Upcoming Events:

  • 2025- to be announced

Past Events:

  • 2024-11-07 – Annual conference, Puyallup, WA
  • 2024-10-14 – Compost Facility Operator Training (CFOT)

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