Control Systems Replacements

Blog ECS Staff 05/04/2017

Replacing old and unsupported compost control systems from other vendors has become a regular line of work for ECS.

ECS has always been committed to providing robust compost control and monitoring technologies, continuous product evolution, and first-class customer support. This approach has caused ECS to lose some bids to lower cost providers. But over time, when support issues go unanswered, facility owners start looking for alternatives. Two such unsupported clients recently found ECS from searching the web for “Compost Control Systems.” And, after talking with some of our long-term customers, they have both chosen to work with ECS to get them operational again.


The first client found themselves with a 13 year old control system that was no longer supported by the company they bought it from and did not have a reasonable upgrade path. The ECS approach was to take stock of the assets they had, then provide a system that would fit their existing operations using standard ECS CompTroller™ components. ECS will build and test a new system including a Control Server and a drop-in replacement back panel in our shop. Our technicians will then travel to site to oversee installation, then start-up the system and train the operators. The result will be fully featured, internet connected compost control and data logging system that will not be subject to operating system obsolescence and will allow ready access to remotely provide software upgrades and support going forward.


The second client needs to replace their control system that was assembled piecemeal by a local controls house but is no longer functioning. No one vendor “owned” the system and the client was not able to an effective source technical support. ECS will provide a new CompTroller™ hardware and software that will offer much greater functionality, as well as our wireless temperature probes (RF Teleprobes™) to monitor pile temperatures. Our approach preserves the existing fans, VFD’s and controls cabinets. ECS technicians will be on-site to supervise installation, and to start-up the system and train facility staff.

These projects are in the shop now and are both scheduled to be up and running within eight weeks of their start dates.